Our Founder
Dr. G. Harry Leafe was the founder and executive director of Scriptel Ministries. He passed into the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ on January 30, 2015 following a long bout with pulmonary fibrosis and complications from a lung transplant performed in 2010. He was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia. He studied economics at Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary (now Old Dominion University), and later he earned the Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree from College of Biblical Studies, the Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Ministry degree from Talbot Theological Seminary. He also completed post-doctoral studies in systematic theology at Baptist Bible Seminary.
During his forty plus year career in vocational ministry, Dr. Leafe served as the director of training for the Lay Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ in the United States and Canada; served as pastor to three churches – two in the greater Houston area; served for twenty-four years as professor and chair of Bible and theology at College of Biblical Studies; and was the featured teacher on The Voice of Grace radio broadcast on KHCB-FM for twenty-five years. In 1986, Dr. Leafe founded Scriptel Ministries to provide instruction and assistance to local churches and Christian groups on a wide variety of biblical subjects, as well as to provide counsel to those involved in planting new churches or developing new ministries.
Dr. Leafe hosted numerous tours to the Holy Land including trips to Israel, Egypt, Greece and Turkey. He served on the adjunct faculties of Dallas Bible College and Colorado Christian University, as well as seminaries in India and Kazakhstan. Most recently he taught in pastors conferences in Arusha, Tanzania and Eldoret, Kenya. His professional associations included the Evangelical Theological Society and the Pre-Trib Study Group. Dr. Leafe is also listed in Who’s Who among Teachers in America. He authored numerous articles and publications including the books Running to Win and The Way We Are. He was also a contributor to the Dictionary of Premillennial Theology.
Dr. Leafe and his wife, Sharon, made their home in Houston, Texas, and have two grown children, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.